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Walking into Children's Hospital ICU in 2010, I found myself reliving my open heart surgery 57 years ago. As I watched this beautiful 10-year-old recover,  my life changed forever.


Research shows that the Number One Childhood defect in the world today is a Congenital Heart Defect.


ONE in every 100 children born today will have a heart defect.  Challenge your team to collectively contribute $1,000 to Mending Kids in Support of a life-saving surgery for a family who needs your help.

To date, Naomi Carmona-Morshead has spearheaded fundraising for more than 273 surgeries with the goal of saving 1,000 hearts in her lifetime.


Each Super Hero Team collectively raises $1,000 to provide heart surgery and interventional procedures for a child overseas who is desperate.

Save one

Child's Life

in 10 Days or

10 months

Get Your Team Together Now!

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Team Adults
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