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Naomi Book Chapter: GRANDMA ON A MISSION

My Chapter is called “Grandma on a Mission Mending 1000 Hearts.” It’s the story of my attempt to climb the highest mountain in Ecuador.


I also decided to set a goal higher than the mountain. I decided to provide finances for children in developing countries. That is a charity where Mending Kids sends pediatric cardiology medical teams to save 30 children in 9 days. Mending Kids are doing surgery in seven countries and Mending 1,000 Hearts is our goal!


All of us want to pay it forward and Mending 1,000 Hearts is supported with some of the proceeds of this book, RISE in Pursuit of Empowerment. Of course there is a link in the book. Imagine if you know someone who has a heart problem and you want to donate in their honor. This is the place!


Buy the book, share with your friends and family as you Join us on this wonderful adventure.

To Mend 1000 Hearts 


Grandma on a Mission Ebook PDF copy 1 (4).jpg

Chapter copy from the international best selling book "RISE In Pursuit of Empowerment".

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