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Uhuru Peak
19,341 ft.

Uhuru Peak in Tanzania, East Africa is the highest freestanding peak in the world . At 19,341' it is covered with glaciers and massive scree hills and valleys. 

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Cotopaxi Ecuador 
18,301 ft.



Ecuador Glaciers
18,301 ft.

Training to climb is essential for success in any of the 100 glacier - capped volcano in Ecuador.  Equipment includes mountaineering boots, hiking poles, rope team, nutrition, crampons, ice axe, helmet and proper low temperature clothing in 4 layers with gloves, glacier glasses, 2-3 liters water for hydration and rest PLUS acclimatization and training with a bunch of courage!


Stella Point 
18,885 ft.

Stella Point at 18,885' is an admirable climb and noteworthy.  Stella Point is about 1.5 hours below Uhuru Peak. Many climbers don't continue to the highest summit due to the strenuous conditions.


Grand Canyon Arizona USA
2,200 ft.



Big Pine North Ridge Lake 2
10,291 ft.

The aqua blue color of water is due to the glacier melting into the lake. To see lakes this color, one must usually climb high, perhaps 9,000- 15,000 feet elevation. First Lake is one of three natural beauties in the eastern Sierras, Southern California, USA


Mount Langley
14,042 ft.

At 14,042', Mount Langley in Southern California is in the eastern Sierra Mountains, close to nearby Mt. Whitney (14,505'). This amazing trail has far less travelers but includes impressive views of the surrounding area including 5 beautiful lakes and lots of wildlife. The elevation gain is significant and similar on these two mountains 5,900'-6000'. Even though Mt. Whitney is the highest peak in the United States of America with 463 foot difference, hiking on less crowded trails like Mt. Langley is a definite plus.

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Los Pinetos

1,875 ft.

In the Santa Clarita Valley there are a few places we can train to strengthen our body for elevation gain. This trail is 1875' to the towers. You will often find us on the trail improving our endurance on the steep inclines that wind up to the communication towers. The view northeast is truly mountains beyond mountains!

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Rio Bamba, Ecuador, South America
9,042 ft.

When Chimborazo was unclimbable due to avalanche danger, we belayed down over 200 feet on safety ropes to train rock climbing on the walls of Rio Bamba.


San Jacinto
10,834 ft.

The San Jacinto Mountains are the 2nd highest mountains in California. The Peak is 10,834' and includes a 13.5 miles roundtrip tough climb to reach the rock scramble and then the summit. Did I mention the Marion Trail has 105° step downs on the descent hiking from the Marion Trailhead? Marvelous views of the valleys and sometimes the ocean too. Changing weather makes this climb exciting!

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Potato Chip Rock
2,800 ft.

Near San Diego is Mount Woodson with the famous Potato Chip Rock. It's a bit of a jump down to the rock before you scramble to display your stance. Standing at 2800' with a short but steep 1200' elevation gain, it takes a big desire to get to the Chip!


Mt. Kilimanjaro Crater to Summit

19,341 ft.

Summit climb: 

4am is wake up call for summit day. Carefully planned climbs take into consideration the weather, the mountain and the health of the climbers.  You can see the steepness of this climb as those ladies are not wearing backpacks. Once we go up over the rock scramble to the "false" summit we will be 300 yards from the peak of the highest free-standing mountain in the world. 


Picacho Peak  in Arizona, USA  has 7 Cables

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